這是PARIS行找了好多飯店,最後決定租短期公寓,體驗巴黎人的生活哈哈,我們找到一間很棒的公寓,在羅浮宮附近,周遭好多景點,而且很乾淨漂亮,覺得超開心的耶! 雖然我弟的iphone第一天在地鐵就被偷走了,好傷心,不過到了公寓後心情馬上變很好(笑,房東的老婆以前好像是chanel的名模哦,超酷的吧!那個房東是長得很像古代國王的那種!哈哈
禮拜天因為很多商店都關門了,我們決定去Marche aux Puces de Vanves 跳蚤市場,我查了資料說這個跳蚤市場價錢比較不用殺價而且東西比較多是真的(?),哈哈不知道真的假的,反正很想逛就跑去了,只是我們逛完後很神奇竟然都沒有買東西耶,可能我跟我媽都滿潔癖的,所以空手而歸!!
下午我們走到invadides跟著巴黎人坐在草地上超舒服的,可是這次很可惜沒有去白鳥小徑,好多fashion blogger都在那裡拍照!我下次一定要去~~晚上當然還是很觀光客就跑去了巴黎鐵塔,本來以為就巴黎鐵塔,結果親眼看覺得好美 (:
We rent an very very nice apartment in Paris near Louvre. The owner's wife was once a supermodel for Chanel! That was really something haha. It was nice to have your own temporary apartment in Paris, quite a good way to get to know the city better. We wanna live in the hotels before, and then we just decided to rent an flat. Anyway, renting a nice apartment in Paris is highly recommended! We went to the Marche aux Puces de Vanves flee market on the beautiful Sunday morning. Love this flee market a lot, a bunch of weird things over there. But but but, we didn't buy anything. Aww :(
The first day was pretty classic tourist trip, we went to the Invadides and went on a picnic like Parisians. Later we went up the tour eiffel, well, super amazing! I love Paris so much.
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